IT Excellence

IT Management Consulting

Metrics makes IT fit to compete for the future – from strategic questions to detailed optimisation.

What does an IT organisation need to be prepared for? For business cases and scenarios, which are supported by Metrics with data and experience. These are decisions bringing the effectiveness, efficiency and agility of IT into harmony – in a forward-looking, success-oriented way.

All the factors for success

Every detail counts: Metrics supports IT organisations in improving themselves systematically – from planning via procurement and operations right through to the structures themselves. Our holistic approach covers the following areas:

Operational excellence

We gather relevant data to ensure fault-free and efficient IT operation. Alongside cost and performance KPIs, these also include indicators for quality and risk.

IT management

Practical KPI systems and CIO cockpits, meaningful allocation models and best practices in service management – we keep the IT organisation on course with the right information.

IT operating models

Too much choice? Drawing on experience and comparative values, we can show – even in client-specific situations – which pathway is ideally matched to the business strategy and requirements.


Estimating the price of success: Using granular data, we simulate the feasibility of decisions, the risks and the anticipated costs in all IT domains, whether provided internally or externally.

Application TCO

Using DevOps to develop, maintain and renew software more quickly and more efficiently? Our experts set out the scope for calculating and demonstrating the effects. The goal is application excellence.

IT cost optimisation

To avoid making the wrong savings, we take into account all relevant factors, including operational excellence and IT sourcing.

Cost allocation

Preferably as caused or after all according to the simple overhead cost key? Many paths lead to the goal. We show you the operational practice in the allocation of IT costs and work with you to find the right approach for your organisation.

Service catalogues

The IT service catalogue is, in a figurative sense, the menu of IT and thus the linchpin between users and IT. It helps manage expectations and optimise service owners' offerings. Thus it should be aligned with the market to meet the expectations on quality and cost of the users.

Metrics surveys

For more information,
please contact


Jeremy Smith

+44 20 3832 2937